在 Apple Store,你要維護顧客對 Apple 的信賴,展現你專業的技術來負責疑難排解和維修產品。你運用問題解決能力和人際溝通技巧,確保 Genius Bar 顧客的技術問題能迅速獲得解決。你也要為團隊成員培訓相關的產品知識,自己也要隨時了解最新的技術知識。擁有出色的顧客服務同時,也有著為顧客著想的同理心,你每天提供身為技術天才的建議和支援。你與他人合作,營造出一種讓每個人都能產生歸屬感,且獲得啟發以盡己所能的文化。
身為專員,你要幫助創造對 Apple 產品的熱情能量和興奮活力,提供適合的解決方案,並把產品帶到顧客手上。你了解 Apple Store 致力於提供與眾不同的顧客體驗,而這一切都要從由你發掘顧客的需求開始。在零售店團隊成員的支援下,你要為需求找到合適的產品。對你來說,每一天都是將 Apple Store 訪客轉變為 Apple 忠誠顧客的機會。你與他人合作,營造出一種讓每個人都能產生歸屬感,且獲得啟發以盡己所能的文化。
身為營運專家,你比任何其他人都更了解有 Apple 最新產品在手的滿足感。因此你必須確保顧客和你一樣滿意。透過指引和輔導你的團隊,協助掌握時刻變化的需求,並確保每項產品和展示機都準確到位。而最重要的是,你的組織能力和專注致力會成為 Apple 直營店所做的核心:讓人們拿到他們喜愛的產品。你與他人合作,營造出一種讓每個人都能產生歸屬感,且獲得啟發以盡己所能的文化。
Apple Store 是個與眾不同的獨特零售環境,特別專注於提供不同凡響的顧客體驗。身為專家,你將帶領人們進入Apple精彩的世界,讓對產品有好奇心的人(或是對產品有好奇心的訪客)成為忠實顧客。你善於領導團隊成員以及和顧客的互動,每天都能幫人們發展和 Apple 的長遠關係,你會從中獲得無可取代的成就感。你與他人合作,營造出一種讓每個人都能產生歸屬感,且獲得啟發以盡己所能的文化。
你喜歡和人們交流互動嗎?身為培訓師,你要和 Apple 直營店的顧客分享你的知識,激發他們的創意,無論是初次造訪或是長期的忠實顧客。你有機會邀請顧客分享他們的想法,了解如何讓他們的願景實現成真,營造 Apple 直營店親切友善環境。和你一起工作的團隊成員們都同樣知識豐富,他們不僅樂於分享技能,也渴望學習更多。再也沒有比協助顧客創造出各種精彩,更能讓你感到無比的滿足。與他人合作,營造出一種讓每個人都能產生歸屬感,且獲得啟發以盡己所能的文化。
身為商務 Pro,你必須負責與 Apple Retail 的高潛力商務顧客建立並培養關係。同時,確實能以個人化的解決方案來滿足顧客需求。你也需要具備出色的商業與銷售敏銳度,並了解重要的中小型企業產業和相關業務挑戰,以及當地社群中的趨勢。
針對 Apple 和第三方解決方案,商務 Pro 應具備卓越的諮詢專業知識。你是直營店團隊的重要資源,負責指導其他成員,同時協助打造出能將商務需求融入直營店文化的環境。你會與直營店領導人員密切合作,確保能找出並確認潛在的客戶機會,及/或在適當情況下轉介給其他人。你具備出色的人際互動、影響力和協商技巧,能夠在 Apple 和我們的顧客及團隊間建立起良好的關係。你與他人合作,營造出一種讓每個人都能產生歸屬感,且獲得啟發以盡己所能的文化。
在 Apple 直營店,你負責為專業商務人士和企業家找出他們所需的產品和服務,讓 Apple 解決方案在其企業中發揮成效。身為商務專家,你協助他們了解 Apple 產品並探索各種可能性。你將和一個滿懷熱忱的團隊幫助企業獲得成功。憑藉著你對企業需求的了解和對 Apple 的熱情,為每一位客戶提供強大和創新的解決方案,從中獲得無比的成就感。你與他人合作,營造出一種讓每個人都能產生歸屬感,且獲得啟發以盡己所能的文化。
在顧客購買了我們的產品後,你將幫助他們充分了解和使用新的 Apple 產品。你在 Apple Store 零售店的工作是各種特定的支援與服務。無論是在協助顧客開始使用 Mac,或是解答他們對其他 Apple 裝置的問題,你隨時都能分享知識並提供出色的協助。為每位顧客提供解決方案和洞察性的建議,讓顧客和 Apple 的關係更上一層,而你會從中獲得無可取代的成就感。你與他人合作,營造出一種讓每個人都能產生歸屬感,且獲得啟發以盡己所能的文化。
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Apple is looking for a Fab Operations Engineer to manage fab operations for the panel displays used in award...
Are you a big-picture thinker who loves setting ambitious goals? Do you have a passion for understanding how each line of code affects all the others? In the Core Operating Systems group we ensure the OS is inseparable from each device’s identity as a whole. We work on a core technology that is committed to building fully integrated operating systems which combines hardware, software, and apps into a single Apple experience. Your dedication to cross-disciplinary collaboration will help develop groundbreaking technologies, such as iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and visionOS. By crafting these dis...
Apple is where individual imaginations gather together, committing to the values that lead to great work. Every new product we build, service we create, or Apple Store experience we deliver is the result of us making each other’s ideas stronger. That happens because every one of us shares a belief that we can make something wonderful and share it with the world, changing lives for the better. It’s the diversity of our people and their thinking that inspires the innovation that runs through everything we do. When we bring everybody in, we can do the best work of our lives. Here, you’ll do mo...
Do you love crafting sophisticated solutions to highly complex challenges? Do you intrinsically see the importance in every detail? As part of our Silicon Engineering Group, you’ll help design and manufacture our next-generation, high-performance, power-efficient processor, system-on-chip (SoC). You’ll ensure Apple products and services can seamlessly and efficiently handle the tasks that make them beloved by millions. Joining this group means you’ll be responsible for crafting and building the technology that moves Apple’s devices. Together, you and your team will enable our customers to d...
Do you love crafting sophisticated solutions to highly complex challenges? Do you intrinsically see the importance in every detail? As part of our Silicon Engineering Group, you’ll help design and manufacture our next-generation, high-performance, power-efficient processor, system-on-chip (SoC). You’ll ensure Apple products and services can seamlessly and efficiently handle the tasks that make them beloved by millions. Joining this group means you’ll be responsible for crafting and building the technology that moves Apple’s devices. Together, you and your team will enable our customers to d...
Apple is where individual imaginations gather together, committing to the values that lead to great work. Every new product we build, service we create, or Apple Store experience we deliver is the result of us making each other’s ideas stronger. That happens because every one of us shares a belief that we can make something wonderful and share it with the world, changing lives for the better. It’s the diversity of our people and their thinking that inspires the innovation that runs through everything we do. When we bring everybody in, we can do the best work of our lives. Here, you’ll do mo...